Skills Persona

The Professional

I am a person who loves knowledge and sharing information, whether it’s teaching people a different language, sharing totally random facts or explaining how gravity works (even if you didn’t want to know). I’ve got pretty good skills in reading, writing, communicating and I LOVE learning. Unlike people who like to use their hands, I am all about policies, theory and research and want to use these skills in business or education settings to help share what I know with others – sharing is caring right? Dolphins love to learn and also educate others: follow their lead!


We all have out own set of strengths. People who identify with this persona often have these strengths.


You are great at communicating by listening, explaining and finding the pleasure in sharing the knowledge you have.


You crave knowledge and love to use it in professional settings to help and teach others!


Reading and writing come easily to you – a book, pen and paper could keep you entertained for hours!


You’re a people kind of person, engaging and relating with others comes naturally to you

Inspiring people with this skill set

Stephen Hawking

Not only is Stephen Hawking a household name when it comes to ideas about general relativity, the time-space continuum, multiverse theory, and black holes, he was also an avid proponent of the fact that science, education and learning should be accessible to all. 

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