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Solicitors provide legal advice, prepare and draft legal documents, and conduct negotiations on behalf of clients on matters associated with the law.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Solicitor

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks

  • interviewing clients to determine the nature of problems and recommending and undertaking appropriate legal action
  • preparing cases for court by conducting investigations undertaking research arranging witness preparation and attendance and giving notice of court actions
  • representing clients in court
  • managing conveyancing and other property matters by preparing contracts of sale mortgage documents lease documents and other documents relating to the transfer of land and buildings
  • preparing and critically reviewing contracts between parties
  • preparing wills
  • providing advice on family law company law partnerships commercial law and trusts
  • may act as trustee or guardian
  • may act as executor of clients' wills

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Certificate IV in Legal Services
  • Diploma of Legal Services
More about VET


  • Bachelor of Laws *
  • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Law *
  • Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Psychological Science *
  • Doctor of Legal Science
More about University



This industry is about helping people and making a difference. It can be a fulfilling career path, but definitely not an easy one. You need to be someone who is highly motivated and ambitious. Lawyers, barristers, solicitors are all great communicators; words are a lawyers tool or trade. You need to not only communicate well but write well and understand complex legal documents. There is no set path on becoming a lawyer, you don’t have to go straight from high school to a university law degree, you can decide later in life, or work while you are studying.

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