
Conveyancers & Legal Executives


Career stats

Weekly pay




Employed in Australia



Relatively steady


Conveyancers and Legal Executives act for and on behalf of clients in the areas of property transfer, company and business law, trusts, wills, probate and litigation.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Conveyancer
mdi-briefcase-variant Legal Executive

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • preparing examining and advising on contracts of sale for properties and businesses
  • carrying out title searches and contacting government authorities to find out if any planned development illegal building work and disputes could affect properties and businesses
  • preparing examining and advising on mortgage documentation
  • negotiating the terms and conditions of and exchanging contracts of sale paying deposits arranging payment of stamp duty checking for outstanding arrears and land tax obligations and calculating adjustments for council and water rates
  • interviewing clients to determine the nature of issues and receiving written information concerning cases from Legal Professionals and clients
  • conferring with clients and potential witnesses and drawing up statements and proposed affidavits in preparation for court proceedings
  • maintaining legal files
  • preparing analysing and interpreting a variety of legal documents
  • assisting Legal Professionals to prepare cases for court by conducting investigations undertaking research arranging witness preparation and attendance and preparing and filing court documents
  • may supervise Law Clerks and Legal Secretaries and take responsibility for their work

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Advanced Diploma of Conveyancing
More about VET


  • Bachelor of Business - Law
More about University



This industry is about helping people and making a difference. It can be a fulfilling career path, but definitely not an easy one. You need to be someone who is highly motivated and ambitious. Lawyers, barristers, solicitors are all great communicators; words are a lawyers tool or trade. You need to not only communicate well but write well and understand complex legal documents. There is no set path on becoming a lawyer, you don’t have to go straight from high school to a university law degree, you can decide later in life, or work while you are studying.

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