
Vocational Education & Training (VET)

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Vocational Education and Training (also known as VET) works by providing practical workplace-specific skills and knowledge. VET training in Australia can provide you with a wide range of academic qualifications, and there are hundreds of courses in various industries on offer. Undertaking a VET course means you could study for roles in office management, retail, technology, marketing, electrical work, hospitality, construction and even area management. 

Vocational courses in Australia are celebrated because they are usually designed by relevant industry professionals with first-hand experience in the role they’re teaching. They are ready to provide authentic, quality support and advice.


Delivered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and TAFEs across the country, academic course offerings range from Certificate II to Certificate IV, and Diploma and Advanced Diploma Levels.

You can also undertake part qualifications or “skill sets”, so you can obtain credit for what you have completed and move on to another course or another institution afterwards, and the training will still be recognised. Training delivery methods can include classroom style, online or practical workplace experience. Once finished, some VET courses will also give you credit for further studies at university.

The benefits of undertaking VET courses include:

  • They are a great  way to get a start in a chosen career
  • You are able to complete courses that are nationally recognised from the Australian Qualifications Training Framework and can relocate anywhere across Australia and continue both your career pathways and your study
  • You can choose from up to six levels of nationally recognised qualifications in most industries
  • You have the ability to choose subjects and courses that suit your interests and future career
  • You can undertake flexible study options so that you can juggle life priorities while you complete your course
  • You can complete courses while at school or through a Traineeship or Apprenticeship pathway and get paid while you learn
  • Once complete, you can link to further study options, including access to university from completion of a Certificate IV or higher qualification
  • A number of courses can be funded through various State and Federal programs  - meaning you'll launch your career with minimal study debt!

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