
Training & Development Professionals

Education & Training

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Employed in Australia



Moderate growth


Training and Development Professionals plan, develop, implement and evaluate training and development programs to ensure management and staff acquire the skills and develop the competencies required by organisations to meet organisational objectives.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Training and Development Professional

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • identifying training needs and requirements of individuals and organisations
  • setting human resource development objectives and evaluating learning outcomes
  • preparing and developing instructional training material and aids such as handbooks visual aids online tutorials demonstration models and supporting training reference documentation
  • designing coordinating scheduling and conducting training and development programs that can be delivered in the form of individual and group instruction and facilitating workshops meetings demonstrations and conferences
  • liaising with external training providers to arrange delivery of specific training and development programs
  • promoting internal and external training and development and evaluating these promotional activities
  • monitoring and performing ongoing evaluation and assessment of training quality and effectiveness and reviewing and modifying training objectives methods and course deliverables
  • gathering investigating and researching background materials to gain an understanding of various subject matters and systems
  • advising management on the development and placement of staff and providing career counselling for employees

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
  • Course in Field-Based Training and Assessment
  • Course in Mentoring First Nations Australians
  • Diploma of Organisational Coaching
  • Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
More about VET


  • Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education
  • Bachelor of Vocational Education and Training
  • Master of Training and Development
More about University


Education & Training

If you relate well to people, particularly younger people, are patient, caring, and feel you have a flair for passing on your knowledge and skills to others, then you might like to consider a career in education and training.The Education and Training sector has experienced strong growth over the past decade, creating a strong demand for trained staff in this field.If you are someone that has a passion for education and is interested in supporting young people in their learning and development, then you should seriously explore the pathways to becoming a Primary or Secondary teacher.If you have practical skills and knowledge you could share with others, you may want to consider the merits of becoming a Vocational Education Teacher/Trainers or Trade teacher.If you enjoy working with children in their early years - helping with their daily care and encouraging their personal development and learning - you may be interested in working in the rapidly growing child care industry. There is a strong demand for qualified child care workers in community, government, and private establishments around the country and it is a very rewarding

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