Skills Persona

The Carer

I care a lot; it’s kind of my thing. You can lean on me "I’m great at listening and solving my friends’ problems! I honestly enjoy helping others improve their lives, whether this is physically, emotionally, even medically! Being there for others excites and motivates me to use these skills in whatever career path I will choose. Carers are kind of like pandas: caring animals who support their friends and family."


We all have out own set of strengths. People who identify with this persona often have these strengths.


I’m sure you’ve heard of a ‘people-person’ and that’s definitely you! Dealing with people plays to your strengths and whatever situation you find yourself in you know you can talk your way in or out with confidence.


You're a fantastic communicator; People like you because you always have other's best interests in mind!

Health and well-being

The greatest wealth is health! You enjoy improving the life of others, through sports, medicine, psychology or fitness. Seeing people be their best self is so satisfying!


You are a damn good listener! Building relationships comes easy to you and you really hear what people want.


You love helping others. You genuinely care what others think and feel, and you're pretty good at giving advice. People usually come out.

Inspiring people with this skill set

Dr. Fred Hollows

Dr. Fred Hollows is a great example of being The Carer because it's all about ensuring that everyone is looked after and that nobody is left behind. Fred always got things done, and pushed for change even when it bothered the higher-ups. 

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