
Occupational Therapists

Healthcare & Medical

Career stats

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Employed in Australia



Moderate growth


Occupational Therapists assess functional limitations of people resulting from illnesses and disabilities, and provide therapy to enable people to perform their daily activities and occupations.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Occupational Therapist

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • assessing clients' emotional psychological developmental and physical capabilities using clinical observations and standardised tests
  • assessing clients' functional potential in their home leisure work and school environments and recommending environmental adaptations to maximise their performance
  • planning and directing programs through the use of vocational recreational remedial social and educational activities on an individual and group basis
  • providing advice to family members carers employers and teachers about adapting clients' home leisure work and school environments
  • providing adaptive equipment such as wheel chairs and splints to assist clients to overcome their functional limitations
  • working with other Health Professionals in overall case management of clients
  • working with other professionals in providing specialist advice to specific client groups such as those requiring driver rehabilitation third-party compensation and medico-legal representation
  • recording clients' progress and maintaining professional relationships in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and ethical guidelines

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy


Short Courses Available

  • Undergraduate Certificate in Allied Health
  • Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation
More about VET


Healthcare & Medical

Are you interested in helping people improve their health? Do you enjoy caring for others? Perhaps you would like to assist people experiencing a disability, or are keen to get involved in the wellness industry. If you are intrigued by these possibilities, a job in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector may be for you.The Health Care and Social Assistance industry encompasses a diversity of occupations, ranging from fields such as dental hygiene, optometry, pharmacy, disability services, mental health and aged-care, to fitness training, sports science, lifestyle coaching and nutrition.The Health Training Package offers over 75 Vocational and Training (VET) qualifications, so if you’re interested in health you’ll probably find an occupation and qualification to suit you!Don’t forget it’s possible to begin your Health Care and Social Assistance career by training for VET qualifications to start with before possibly working your way up to a University Degree.The Health Care and Social Assistance sector has experienced strong growth in the last ten years, making it one of Australia’s largest employers and the growth is forecast to continue, so jobs in this industry are expected to be plentiful. Check out the list of qualifications below.

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