
Social Workers

Community Services & Development

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Employed in Australia





Social Workers assess the social needs of individuals, families and groups, assist and empower people to develop and use the skills and resources needed to resolve social and other problems, and further human wellbeing and human rights, social justice and social development.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Social Worker

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • acting as a facilitator between clients in need and community services
  • assessing resources for health welfare recreation housing employment and other community services
  • providing leadership and assistance for the implementation of pilot projects in community development and self-help and planning and implementing research projects to address client needs organisation goals and social policy
  • cooperating with community organisations social agencies and voluntary groups to improve services and develop new services
  • conducting individual and family case interviews to identify the nature and extent of clients' problems
  • assisting clients to understand and resolve problems by providing information acting as a mediator and referring them to community and self-help agencies
  • analysing developing promoting and implementing social policies through the use of practice experience research analytic frameworks and negotiation skills to respond to social need through a fair equitable and effective allocation of social resource
  • monitoring the progress of clients by maintaining contact
  • compiling case records and reports

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Bachelor of Social Work


Short Courses Available

  • Course in Gender Equity
More about VET


Community Services & Development

Do you enjoy caring for others? Perhaps you would like to assist people experiencing a disability, or are keen to get involved in the wellness industry. If you are intrigued by these possibilities, a job in the Community Services & Development sector might be suited to you.This industry offers a variety of services which can range from helping and caring for others to developing and maintaining community resources and programs. Overall you need to get a great satisfaction and reward from nurturing and caring those in need. You are someone who is driven by being open and responsive to the needs and welfare of others and this is your biggest motivation in relating to people. This makes you a caring and compassionate person who always likes to make sure the needs of the people around you are met.

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