
Real Estate Sales Agents

Real Estate & Property

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Real Estate Sales Agents sell, lease and manage commercial and private properties, and broker the buying and selling of businesses.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Business Broker
mdi-briefcase-variant Property Manager

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • accepting and listing properties and businesses for sale and lease conducting inspections and advising buyers on the merits of properties and businesses and the terms of sale or lease
  • advising vendors of sales and marketing options such as sale by auction and open house inspections
  • cataloguing and detailing land buildings and businesses for sale or lease and arranging advertising
  • assessing buyers' needs and locating properties and businesses for their consideration
  • offering valuations and advice for buying and selling properties and businesses and structuring the terms of settlement
  • collecting and holding rent monies from tenants and remitting to owner on agreed basis
  • monitoring and addressing non-compliance with terms and conditions of tenancy and pursuing rental arrears
  • developing and implementing business plans budgets policies and procedures for the agency
  • may arrange finance land brokerage conveyancing and maintenance of premises

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Certificate in Real Estate Practices or Property Services


Short Courses Available

  • Certificate III in Real Estate Practice
  • Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate)
  • Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice
  • Certificate IV in Strata Community Management
  • Diploma of Property (Agency Management)
More about VET


Real Estate & Property

If you have strong persuasive skills, enjoy hard negotiating and want to be involved in the world of real estate, then this industry should definitely be on your radar when looking to start your career.There are several ways you can get involved in the real estate process, from facilitating the selling process, to taking charge of managing the rental segment of an agency, or being involved in the legal side of property transactions. Check out the list of qualifications below.

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