Skills Persona

The Techie

My happy place is when I’m on my computer playing around in what I call the digital playground. Whenever people have a tech question, I’m the one they call! I just get all things tech, it’s easy - I understand it, respect it and then I can build something amazing. I don’t see myself working outdoors, or listening to people’s problems, but I can imagine sitting behind a computer, creating. Digital literacy is definitely my thing. I'm kind of like a hawk when it comes to adapting and problem solving.


We all have out own set of strengths. People who identify with this persona often have these strengths.


You’re quite used to change - whether a client changes their mind or the technology changes - it’s one of your key strengths to adapt in the nature of all things tech

Critical thinking

You like to look at problems from different angles and use techie skills to try to solve them

Digital Literacy

As a techie you’re a confident user and can find, evaluate and create content using information technology and the internet

Information technology skills

HTML, coding, JavaScript and SEO. It might sound crazy to others, but you know what most of them mean

Inspiring people with this skill set

Saujani Reshma

Saujani Reshma: Founder of Girls Who Code. Saujani began her career as an attorney and activist. Read more 

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