Employers and Recruiters

How to write a compelling job description

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job desrption

Writing accurate job descriptions is an essential part of the hiring process and should be one of the first things you do. A comprehensive job description helps you to fully understand the role, and makes it easier to choose the right candidate from all the applicants who apply for your position.

The job description should outline all the tasks, qualifications and expectations of the role, as well as give a sense of the culture and perks of your workplace. This will increase the chances of attracting suitable applicants.

But what should you include in a good job description?

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Depending on the words you use, the job title will make it clear to your potential applicants whether the role is entry-level or more senior. Make it clear and very straightforward.


Depending on your business, the physical office location might differ from where the new employee will perform most of their tasks. The location of the office and the potential commute (if not working from home) is very important to many applicants, and many won't consider a role that's too far away from them. Clarify this if you think it is needed.

Summary of your organisation

This is a good opportunity to “sell" your business to a prospective employee by painting a basic picture of your reason for being. What is your unique selling proposition? How would you describe yourself to an investor? Outline it.

  • Why does your business exist?
  • What does your business do?
  • What is your business mission and vision?
  • Why would someone want to work for your business?
  • Has your business won any awards, or done interesting or acclaimed projects that you can mention?

Overview of the position

This should be a paragraph demonstrating how the role fits into the organisation, who the role reports to and high-level objectives for the position, e.g. why the role exists and what will a successful candidate add to the business.

Is there opportunity for growth in this role? Make the position description as clear as possible to entice the right candidates for the right reasons. 

Key Duties & tasks

Creating a clear list of key duties will not only help a prospective employee determine if they have the necessary skills needed but will also ensure that you have your own needs front of mind when advertising your position.

It is very common to include a general category at the end for “other duties as required by the business”. This provides a bit of flexibility and means you can add duties or tasks without amending the job description.

Workplace health and safety requirements

If there are particular OHS/WHS challenges connected to your business, outlining the specific responsibilities involved will give candidates an opportunity to decide if they're willing and able to handle them. In general, most businesses have fairly standard OHS/WHS regulations and responsibilities in place, which their employees have to be aware of.

Qualifications, knowledge, and skills required

This is often written as “The ideal candidate will have…”

This section can include actual qualifications (degrees, diplomas, certificates, work experience) needed, but is also an opportunity to focus on the so-called “soft skills” an effective member of your team would need. Should they be energetic, with a go-getting attitude? Do you need someone with analytical abilities who knows how to conquer an Excel spreadsheet? This is the section to outline exactly what you'd like your new employee to be capable of.

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