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Pitch your role with Australia's best entry-level talent

Is your business going places? Find the team you need on the Skillsroad Jobs Board.

Hiring the right candidate can be tough, especially when you're dealing with young, first-time employees. That's why Skillsroad makes it easy to connect with Australia's best young talent via the Skillsroad Jobs Board.

The Skillsroad Jobs Board allows you to list vacancies for entry-level roles and monitor applicants free of charge. Each time you receive a new job application you will get a personalised report, which includes what to look out for in the perfect candidate and which industry-specific questions to ask during the interview, whether you're hiring apprentices, trainees, interns, grads or other entry-level staff.

It's no wonder that the Skillsroad Jobs Board has established itself as one of the most successful entry-level jobs boards in the country! Our partner aggregation network and engaging career tools mean your business will always be matched with the best available talent.

What? Who? How? Quote from Joe Martin

Step 1: Choose a Job post

Basic Job listing

Our Basic Job * listing allows you to post a job on the Skillsroad Jobs Board. Applications go directly to your inbox.

Features include:

  • Unlimited edits
  • Email alerts to job seekers
  • Standard design

Featured Job listing

Includes all the same features as a Basic Job Post, with added benefits. We anchor your job to the top of the list to make sure it stands out from the crowd.

Features include:

  • Top of search results
  • More visibility with a stand-out design and larger advert
  • Priority listing in email alerts
  • Advertised throughout Skillsroad website
  • Add your company branding
  • Add 'Key Selling Points' to your job post

How long will my job be posted on Skillsroad?

Jobs will be posted for a maximum of 30 days.

Can I decide to buy a Featured Job after I have created a job?

Yes! Head to your dashboard at any time to upgrade your job. You will need to wait for your job to be approved before you see the changes.

How much do Featured Jobs cost?

Our pricing structure is below:

  • Featured Job Listing: $75.00 (incl. GST)
  • Custom Facebook Ad Boost: $140.00 (incl. GST)
  • Professional Copywriter Service: $400 (incl. GST)

I posted my job, but it isn't appearing on the jobs board?

Skillsroad review and approve each and every job that is posted. It can take 24 - 48 hours for your job to appear on the jobs board. If you do not see your job within this time please contact us.

My job is about to expire, but I haven't hired a candidate yet. Can I extend my job?

You cannot extend the duration of your job as jobs can only be posted for a maximum of 30 days. You will need to create a new job post and repost it for approval. 

Quote from Stefanie Williams
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