Educators and Advisors

Direct Entry To The Workforce

Different students, different pathways

A lot of your students may not know exactly what they want to do after school or choose to get a job straight away. Some employers will look to recruit school leavers directly and train them through internal training programs or via nationally recognised qualifications through the Vocational Education and Training or Australian Apprenticeships programs.

If you have a student who is looking for work, you can assist and direct them by utilizing many of the free Skillsroad digital tools and resources. Have a look through the list below to find out what are some great places to start with. 

Where to begin

  1. Suggest they undertake the Skillsroad Career Quiz to help identify the type of jobs that they might be best suited to. The quiz guides students to think differently about their career pathway and explores the seven different types of skills sets needed in the workforce today. It further provides numerous career options and appropriate subjects based on their profiles.
  2. Help students create or update their resumes using free Skillsroad Resume templates and a Cover letter guideSave students' time by downloading four different resume templates to choose from. Each template offers a complete breakdown for each section, so they can follow through with it and rest assured they included all the relevant information in their resumes.  
  3. Facilitate mock interviews to help students prepare and feel more confident as they head into the world of interviewing. You can simply direct them to our Preparing for Interviews page, where they will find all the right and relevant information to prepare adequately. If you'd like to dedicate more time to this topic (which we certainly recommend), head to our Job Interview Lesson plans to delve deep into various aspects of job interview preparation, such as personal branding, the stages of interviewing, methods to reduce tension and nerves, structuring answers and so much more. 
  4. Explore and introduce work experience opportunities whilst at school. These can often lead to paid jobs upon successful completion of school. It's also a good time to start opening up the conversation about the future of work and all the different career options that are out there. If this sounds like a lot, feel free to utilise the following resources created specifically for teachers and career advisors. 

Finally, if you are looking for a step-by-step guide on career planning, Skillsroad's lesson plans provide free classroom resources designed to help students make sense of their future career paths. The plan offers practical, real-world knowledge and resources that they can use to take the next step in their journey to employment. 

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