
Bus & Coach Drivers

Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics

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Employed in Australia



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Bus and Coach Drivers drive buses and coaches to transport passengers over established and special routes.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Bus Driver
mdi-briefcase-variant Charter and Tour Bus Driver
mdi-briefcase-variant Passenger Coach Driver

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • stopping at set locations to pick up and set down passengers
  • opening and closing doors before and after passengers board or alight
  • controlling lighting heating and ventilation on buses
  • collecting fares and giving change and tickets and monitoring electronic entry
  • advising passengers on destinations
  • maintaining conduct of passengers
  • may use public address systems to provide information and tour commentaries for passengers
  • may assist coach passengers with baggage and accommodation bookings
  • may maintain service and clean coaches

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Certificate II in Driving Operations
  • Certificate III in Driving Operations
More about VET


Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics

If you’re interested in air, road, maritime, rail or land transport, then the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry could be for you.The Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry is responsible for the safe and prompt delivery of people and goods via a variety of channels, including scenic and sightseeing transport, and for the storage and sorting or ‘warehousing’ of freight before delivery. The sector encompasses logistics (managing & organising the transport), infrastructure, (such as roads, air and rail), and numerous support roles such as customs officers, couriers, tugboat operators and forklift drivers.If you choose this vocational pathway you could work in road transport as a bus, train or taxi driver; in construction as a mobile crane operator; or even in coastal or ocean-going marine operations as a deckhand, engine driver or cook. There are many possibilities, so check out the list of qualifications below!

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