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Self-care for Body & Soul

Self-care isn't just the glamourous, Pinterest-worthy Lush bath bombs and rosewater facial scrubs. It's also about doing the hard work to ensure that we - and the people around us - are healthy in ways that aren't as pretty to post about.

This Mental Health Week and all throughout October, Skillsroad wants you to look inside at yourself and focus on being mentally and physically healthy inside and out. That looks different for everyone, and is a unique journey just for you, but we've collated some useful resources, blogs and videos to help you get into the vibe of self-care. 

Of course, you can do some bath bombs and throw some rose petals in there and snap a few photos. We're not stopping you - and relaxation and self-contemplation is a huge part of going on this journey! But it can't just stop there. This month and every month after that, take some time out to sit with yourself and ask: am I doing the kind of self-care my body and my brain needs right now? What resources do I need to grow and thrive? And how can I help myself be better? 

Physical Health

A lot of the time, self-care can be focused on mental health. Mental health is an incredibly important part of your life, but so is your physical body. It's all part of a cycle that feeds into itself: if you take care of your body, whether that's your skin or your muscles or your hair, you'll feel like you're in a better place mentally. And when you're feeling mentally healthy and in a good place, your body will show it, with a glowy shine that people outside of you will see and recognise. So it's important to do both to have a healthy body inside and out.

Sometimes, physical self-care can look like taking a bath or a shower when you need it and spending a little extra time stretching out some sore muscles. If you've been hunched over a laptop studying a lot recently, physical self-care can look like setting yourself a regular reminder to straighten up your back posture or stretch out your arms and legs. And if you've been binging Netflix and eating too many snacks, physical self-care can look like eating a healthy meal with plenty of good vitamins in it to replenish your body's essential nutrients. 

The best way to keep up with a self-care routine is just that - make it into a routine. If you wash your face and brush your teeth at the same time every night, try expanding that into also doing a quick 15 minute stretch or going for a walk before bed. (Studies show that exercise before bed makes you more tired and more likely to get a better, less fitful sleep too). If you find yourself becoming sore and unable to focus around the same time during your workday, set yourself a phone reminder to take a break to get some fresh air, get some sun on your face, and get rid of that restless energy. Once you do it enough, it will become a great habit to have!

Take the time out to relax and stretch your body

4 Skillsroad Team members wearing R U OK shirts in yoga pose
The Skillsroad team did some healthsome yoga for R U OK? Day in September.

Mental Health

Not too long ago, taking a 'mental health day' wouldn't have flown with even the savviest of bosses. However lately, it's becoming pretty obvious: when your workers are happy, they do better work. When you're passionate about what you do and why you're there, you're more present, you show up and go above and beyond, and you're less likely to go and leave for a new job. No more quiet quitting for you.
Skillsroad's Wear It Purple Day experience
How to avoid (and recover from) workplace burnout
The Skillsroad 2021-22 Employment Report

Important Resources for Physical And Mental Health

resources for young people

The Mental Health Line
Kids Help Line
Beyond Blue
The Butterfly Foundation
Relationships Australia

resources for parents & carers

Carer Gateway
PANDA - National Perinatal Depression Helpline

resources for employers

Head to Health
How to help your business thrive
Tools for talking
Why Mental Health Matters