Employers and Recruiters

Recruitment Options

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What's best for your business?

Hiring a new member of staff is one of the most influential decisions you will make as a manager or employer. Here, we explore some of the options for recruiting and securing the right person for the job.

Before you decide to take on a new employee, it is essential to think about all your recruiting options – there may be more than you think. Be certain of all the tasks and timelines involved in the role, and what level of experience you believe is necessary to complete them. 

You might be going through a busy period and could do with an extra pair of hands to help out with the admin, or perhaps you are looking to grow your business and are ready to teach a fresh young apprentice all the tricks of the trade. Be clear about your purpose before you begin the recruitment process.

Employer best practice recruitment guide mdi-chevron-right

Download our Recruitment E-Guide for more in-depth information and advice about the best practice surrounding recruiting a young person into your industry today.

Hiring a junior role

This could be anyone from an office admin assistant to a novice site labourer – usually a young person who has just left school and has little work experience. 

There are many decisions you need to make before starting the recruitment process:

  • Do you require someone on a permanent basis?
  • Is the role one that will need to be carried out for the foreseeable future?
  • Is the role full- or part-time – how many hours per week does the employee need to work? 

Once considered, you can decide if you require the help of a recruitment agency or if you'll go through the hiring process alone.

Hiring an Australian Apprentice or Trainee

Taking on an apprentice or trainee is a great way to provide an opportunity for a young person to kick-start their career in your industry or sector.

For information about taking on an apprentice or trainee see our very detailed landing page, here.

Apprentices and Trainees require a degree of commitment from the employer to manage their training. They also need to attend classes at a registered training organisation (RTO) or TAFE on a weekly basis, as well as fulfilling their commitment to on-the-job training with the employer. The Australian Government provides financial incentives to employers who take on an apprentice or trainee in a skills-shortage industry or sector. 

Apprentices and trainees can be hired in the traditional way (e.g. through word of mouth or local advertising), via a recruitment agency or through a Group Training Organisation (GTO). The GTOs manage the training and look after all the paperwork and payroll of the apprentices.

For more information about taking on an apprentice or trainee contact Apprenticeship Support Australia on 1300 652 235.

Trainee Guide mdi-chevron-right

Download our Trainee E-Guide for more in-depth information and advice on how to successfully establish and manage a traineeship program.


Hiring graduates

University graduates have the latest up-to-date theory, but can lack industry experience. If you wish to take on a graduate, you may want to appoint a more senior member of staff to act as a mentor to guide them in the practical application of their knowledge.

Graduates may be driven and ambitious, and excited about the potential for rapid development. If you have a graduate or training program that has a structured approach and a clear career-development path, employing a graduate could be an ideal choice.

work experience

Hiring for work experience

During secondary school, many students are given the opportunity to visit a workplace on a short- term placement. These are normally unpaid placements designed to introduce young people to the working environment and to give them some insight into an industry. The students are mostly there to observe and learn so should not be expected to do any tasks unsupervised, or without appropriate training.
If you are interested in offering your business as a potential work-experience site, you can contact local schools or Registered Training Organisations directly or talk to a Work Placement Service Provider.

Each State Government provides more detailed information about what is involved with work experience for students.
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