Educators and Advisors

Australian School-Based Apprenticeships

Your students can get a head start on their careers by beginning an Australian Apprenticeship while still working towards their senior secondary school certificate. Australian School-based Apprenticeships are a great career option, allowing young Australians to commence training for a vocational qualification and earn a wage while completing their senior secondary school certificate.

What is an Australian School-based Apprenticeship?

An Australian School-based Apprenticeship is an Australian Apprenticeship that is undertaken part‑time while the student is at school. An Australian School-based Apprenticeship arrangement combines paid employment as an apprentice or a trainee, off-the-job vocational training and senior secondary school studies.

An Australian School-based Apprenticeship provides senior secondary school students with hands-on industry experience, and the ability to work towards or complete a nationally recognised qualification while they complete their senior secondary school certificate.

What does an Australian School-based Apprenticeship involve?

An Australian School-based Apprentice commits to a combination of secondary school subjects, paid work and vocational training on or off the job. Training can be done in a traditional trade or other occupation at the Certificate I, II, III, IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level.

The training component is delivered by a Registered Training Organisation and may be undertaken for a couple of hours every week or for a longer block of time, less frequently. This will depend on the requirements of the Registered Training
Organisation and the vocational training course. Students, with the assistance of their Careers Advisor or Vocational Education and Training Coordinator, will need to negotiate a time-release from their school subjects to attend work and training, arranging to catch up on any school material they miss at a later date.

The number of hours an Australian School-based Apprentice needs to be employed per week differs between States and Territories based on their legislation. Some Australian School-based Apprentices can undertake their paid employment outside of school hours, such as on the weekend, however others must take time during school hours to work. This depends on the requirements of the employer.

How long does an Australian Apprenticeship take?

An Australian Apprenticeship can take from one to four years to complete, depending on the type of Australian Apprenticeship, the industry and the qualification undertaken. Some Australian School-based Apprentices will be able to complete their training when they finish their secondary schooling, while others will need to finish their training after they graduate from secondary school. This depends on the qualification undertaken and the speed at which they progress through their training.

For more information on School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships please visit Apprenticeship Support Australia's website.

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