Take the skillsroad journey

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Starting your career journey is an exciting yet somewhat scary time in your life… With so many jobs and options out there, how do you know what’s right for you? And then when you’ve started, how do you get there?

Below we have all the steps necessary to get you started on your career journey!


Discover your true skill set so you can make the right choice when starting your career journey.


Search careers suited to your skill set and watch a bunch of industry videos showing you a day in the life of that job.


This will help you determine how suited you are to your chosen career and the next steps you need to take to get there.


See what a day in the life of your dream job is really like. Click here to explore your job in a virtual space!


Get the latest tips to build a fresh resume and what to write for the perfect cover letter.


Not only do we provide you with top interview tips, but you can directly apply for a heap of roles posted to our entry-level jobs board daily!


Keep up to speed with all the latest news, events, competitions and more.

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