
Farming, Animals & Conservation

Farming, Animals & Conservation


If you’re interested in outdoor work such as growing plants or raising stock, you may be interested in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry.Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing includes a wide range of occupations, skills and activities. This industry has a massive undertaking supplying your local supermarket with numerous fresh meat, fruit and vegetables. There are lots of types of farming and specialty jobs – cane, cotton farming, beef and dairy, organic as well as all the supporting maintaining and selling farm machinery, just to name a few.

Training & Qualifications

Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Training and study options for this industry can include Apprenticeships and Traineeships (including school based options) VET and University pathways.

The types of courses and qualifications you can use to make a career in this industry start with Certificate II and move into Diplomas and University study. Specific courses could include:

  • Farm Hand – entry level studies being with Certificate II in Agriculture
  • Aquaculture Worker - entry level studies being Certificate II in Aquaculture
  • Meat Inspector – Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Quality Assurance)
  • Agricultural Scientist - Bachelor of Agricultural Science
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