Zodiac Careers Series

Careers to Suit an Aquarius

By Tammy Sofranic

Aquarius born January 20 - February 8 the eleventh sign in the zodiac is independent and mysterious. They deeply care about social justice and making the world a better place and see themselves as just one link in an endless human chain. Aquarians are rebels and they despise authority and anything that represents conventionality. They are free-spirited and eccentric and they can often be identified by their offbeat fashion sensibilities unusual hobbies and nonconformist attitude. On the other hand these signs may be temperamental uncompromising or reserved. 

With all that said let's check out what careers would be the best fit for this zodiac sign.


Teaching is an ideal profession for Aquarius in many ways. They love learning and sharing the newly acquired knowledge with others no matter the platform. Aquariuses innate compassion and need to make the world a better place means that a university or school will be the perfect work environment. Whether working with young children teenagers or adults a teaching position allows them to help and encourage others while working on themselves - what a great combination! Similar paths would be a trainer historian or nurse. 

Political Activist

Politics might sound boring or mundane to the rest of us non-Aquarius signs. However if you are an Aquarius don't run away just yet. Aquarians have a good eye for detail are comfortable making change and aren't afraid to ask challenging questions making them great candidates for the job. Aquarius is driven by good causes to throw their time and energy behind. They can get a thrill from circulating petitions writing to politicians and lobbying the government. 

If you are not too keen to head into politics an Aquarius will make a great activist for a good cause or charity. Other professions that fit within this realm are lobbyist politician or law enforcement officer.

Social Worker

This is such an obvious career option that suits Aquarius. Working as social workers  they will practice providing care and compassion without becoming emotionally involved. Aquarius lives to help others  and in this role they can help people in need and see how people are succeeding with their support. Social work will satisfy their curiosity and give them a chance to avoid the mundane. Similar professions are nurse paediatrician or counsellor.


Although Aquarians are highly capable of many things they are best suited for roles that require unconventional thinking. Engineering will allow their strengths to shine including critical thinking curiosity and creativity. Aquarius love to plan for the future and engineering will not only impact the future generations but will help fulfil their need to create a better place for generations to come. Other professions in this realm are researcher archeologist or scientist. 


Combine the intelligence and intuition of an Aquarius and you will get the perfect astrologer! Working as an astrologer the Aquarius can explore their expansive imagination while connecting with people on a profound level. This profession bridges the gap between space and humankind a worthy concept to an Aquarius.

Similar pathways would be a psychic psychologist tarot reader or astronomer.

While horoscopes shouldn’t be the basis of any SUPER MAJOR life decisions, matching your horoscope to aspects of Your Daily life such as job selection can be fun, inspiring and thought-provoking. It can be a really useful starting point in conjunction with other more serious resources and career research.

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