Lifestyle & Entertainment

Life Skills

By James Cattelan

mdi-clock-outline 3 min

Welcome to our exciting blog series designed for students, where we dive into a world of practical and fun life skills! From discovering budget-friendly meal ideas to unraveling fitness hacks that keep you energised, and even tax tips to maximise your savings – we've got all the essentials covered to make your student life smarter and more enjoyable!

Tax Tips

Tax Tips


📈 💰 Ensure you have everything you need for a tax return: tax file number, payment summaries, bank statements and any invoices

🎁 KEEP your receipts somewhere safe

🚀 Know the tax-free threshold. $18,200 of your income is tax-free

❌ Know what you can’t claim: rent, HECS/HELP FEES

💲💸 Ensure you're reporting income from any side hustles!


Perfect Coffee


🎉 Choose your coffee: Select a high-quality bean or ground coffee

⚡🔥 Determine between a light or dark roast (fruity/sour = light – richer = dark)

🤩 Determine what style you want to drink: V60, Espresso, Flat White, French press

❄️ Weigh your coffee!!

⏰ Time the brewing process

☕ 🍪 Play around, discover new ways of brewing

Cheap food tips

Anita Heiss


📝🍲 Plan your weekly meals to avoid impulse buys

🛒📦 Purchase staple items like rice 🍚, beans 🌯, and pasta 🍝 in bulk

🥘👫 Host potluck dinners with friends. It's a fun way to share the cost of a meal!

🌱🍓 If you can, grow some of your own herbs, veggies, and fruits. Fresh and almost free!

Fitness hacks

Fitness Hacks


🏋️‍♂️ Who said workouts need to be long? 🏋️‍♂️ Break 'em into short, intense 5-10 minute bursts

🌟 Stair Master in Disguise 🌟 - Skip the elevator, embrace the steps

🚶‍♀️📞 Walk and Talk 🚶‍♀️📞 - Pace around your room or take a brisk walk outside while chatting.

Apps & Alarms ⏰📱 - Use fitness apps or set alarms as reminders to get moving. A little nudge goes a long way

If you'd like to equip yourself with more knowledge about any life advice, click on the articles below!
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