Killing It At Work

Childhood dreams vs. Adult careers

By Claudia Anisse

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As kids most of us imagined ourselves doing cool or quirky jobs. Think astronaut ballerina unicorn policeman action-man doll who saves the world or maybe you always dreamed of being a Tonka Truck? Yet somewhere in between childhood and adulthood we forget about those and follow along with the suggestions of people in our environment. More often than not those tips aren't always in line with what we truly want or enjoy doing. 

So it might be a good time to reflect dig out that dungeon in your closet cause that is exactly where your dreams and ideal career could be hidden and long-forgotten. It could be as simple as finding letters and drawings of all your childhood dreams and thoughts around what you wanted to be when you grew up. Whatever it might have been being young means being bold and unaware of the challenges you will have ahead so in turn allows you to dream big wild and sometimes out of this world. 

The reality is you may have steered a little sidewards since then but it’s never too late to turn back! So to get you a little motivated and thinking creatively here’s how to find your skills and channel them towards your childhood career.

Step one: Determine the necessary skills for your dream career

If you dreamed of being a unicorn it doesn’t mean you can’t work out the skills you need to be one. Unicorns are mystical they require finesse skills creativity exploration adaptability strategic thinking and confidence. Cool cool cool...So where would a unicorn take you in the workplace? Think Marketing Executive Content Writer Actor/Actress Movie Director or even a Teacher. 
Wanted to be a Tonka Truck? Think reliable strong hands-on practical repetitive and technical. Imagine running a building site as a Project Manager a Carpenter or even a Production Coordinator.
Sometimes your dream isn’t that far from reality and you need to transfer these ideas into a career. Your skills are transferable across any industry so it's important to work out which of them you have and how you can apply them in a work environment.

Step two: Take the Job Fit Test

Because there are thousands of jobs and careers out there it’s virtually impossible to know which one is the right one for you! So we thought we would do the hard yards for you to help you catch your match.
This bad boy will hone in on the skills you currently have and will test you with questions around workplace behaviour and conduct to see if you’re work-ready. Secondly it will allow you to test yourself up against five careers that interest you and provide a report to tell you how suited you are to that job and what skills and qualifications you’ll need to get there.

Step three: Identify your passions and interests

Once you have nailed down your skills and what you would be most suitable to work in, you can then find an industry which you’ll love doing this in. For example, you might be an Admin Assistant, but that doesn’t mean you’re working in a Legal Firm, you could be working in a PR firm where you are across varying topics that might spark your interest.
The point is, your success is only limited by your imagination and your hard work. If your dream job was always to become an entertainer at a kids party dressing up as a new Disney character each time, or if it is to become the next Iron Man, then you will need to make sure you do all the background work behind how to be the best at it!

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