Killing It at Work

Census date: How to do it right

By Donnay Torr

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In case you forgot, the census date is sneaking up on us, and it's practically right around the corner. So if you didn't think much about what units to drop or pursue, no need to stress. We've got you covered with everything you need to know and what steps to take to ensure you make the right choices. 


To put it simply, Census Date is the last day to withdraw or drop a course without financial penalty. This means it's the last date that you can withdraw from a Trimester 1 unit without incurring the unit fee. If you’re considering adjusting your study load, or even taking the trimester off, you will need to complete all of the withdrawal steps before 11:59 pm on the 31st March 2022.

If you drop a course after your Census Date, you will still be required to pay for it unless you apply for a Refund or Remission of Debt and your application is approved.


It's simple, you have to go through these 3 steps:

Reflect on your current studies: think about how you manage your studies and how you feel about your courses. Some things to consider would be:

  • Have you experienced any changes in your life, such as increased work hours, more sports activities or relocation?
  • How is your mental and physical health? If you have been struggling with either, or feel like it's been going downhill, maybe you need to slow down your pace and change your routine.
  • If you have more time and energy to spare, consider including another unit.
  • How are you finding your current units? Are they in line with where you aim to get in the future? 
  • You should also have a better understanding of the requirements of your subject/s by this point. If you’re finding a particular subject more challenging than you’d anticipated and feel you might need some additional support, it would be good to contact with your Unit Coordinator, the Academic Skills Office, or the Student Support Team to discuss the options available to you.

Then, you gotta make a plan. Now that you have taken into account your schedule, personal life, and what careers best suit you, it's time to rethink and make some plans and goals. If you are changing units, make a plan that covers how will you spend your time on a weekly basis.

Here is a list of things to write down:

  • The units you are cutting down because they are not relevant to your future career.
  • The new units you are considering to add.
  • The hours you will be putting in and how much downtime that will leave you. Make sure to carve out some time for yourself, family and friends, too. 

And then take action! Finally, you are ready for that census date. Now you have your schedule sorted, you have a clear career direction in mind and chosen units to support that. All you have to do now is take action and make sure to do so before the set date... Good luck!


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