Killing It At Work

Best in Show: How to put your best paw forward

By Juniper Buley

mdi-clock-outline 10 min

Branding: it's a word that gets thrown around a lot on social media lately. Crafting your own specific personal brand is usually key to having a recognisable online persona and building a large loyal following.

But personal branding isn't just for hype houses and TikTok stars. Ensuring that you're able to show off a professional brand is key to building your professional portfolio and even if they're not rabid fans leaving comments and subscribing impressing recruiters and interviewers can be tougher and way more rewarding.

We sat down with Charlene Vaughan Skillsroad's own resident personal branding expert to find out about all the ways you can put out the right professional vibes before you even say a word. Stay tuned!


Tip number one is simple: Google yourself! One of the first things recruiters will do is search for you online. So it's a great idea to know what your social media presence will look like to them so that you can find anything you don't want them to see and remove it.

The best way to do this is to go onto someone else's device or use an incognito mode (like in Chrome). This way your search algorithm won't be affected by your previous searches or preferences and will be much more similar to what a potential recruiter might see when they search for your name.

Ensuring that the name you're applying under is different to your social media handle or nickname is also a great way of seperating your professional and personal life. 

However you don't want to be a complete enigma when a recruiter looks for you - which is why it's important to have some social media presence. A great way of having a professional self is to make yourself a LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn is a great resource because it can double as a resume of your previous employment and achievements! Make a few professional connections (old school friends old bosses family friends) and get out there to get networking. This way when someone searches for you they'll immediately see you as a professional with a presentable profile picture and many reputable connections. It's better than them seeing you partying and sharing memes.

Now don't get us wrong Skillsroad thinks partying and sharing memes is great - on your own time. But for a recruiter looking at who you are professionally you really want to give them the best possible first impression!


One of the most important things to do once you start applying for jobs is to change your incoming call voicemail. Having something professional that's recorded in a clear voice in a quiet environment is absolutely key: let the person calling know that you're sorry you missed them that you'll call them back soon and make sure that you thank them for calling.

There's nothing worse than handing out a great looking resume getting to the top of the pile and getting a call from a recruiter wanting to set up an interview until suddenly an unprofessional or jokey voicemail ruins it all for you. Don't let it happen to you!

Once you get into the interview it's time to show off your professional branding through your speech and actions! And one of the best ways to do this is to ensure you've done your research into the company you're applying for.

Come prepared with 1 to 3 insights you have discovered about the company. For example mention if you:

  • Like their social media strategy with specific references.
  • Liked a social outreach or charity drive they did and why.
  • Noticed they posted a large profit last quarter.
  • Look up to a particular CEO or prominent figure within the company.


Mentioning some or all of these things proves not only that you're willing to go the extra mile and do some homework for your interview but also ensures that your values and beliefs line up with the company. They're not just interviewing you for your skills but also for your fit within their company culture - so make sure you prove that you're going to mesh well with them!


Last but definitely not least the best way to leave a lasting impression on the interviewer and stick in their minds is to use good manners. It seems like common sense but you wouldn't beli

eve some of the stories we've heard. Recruiters are people too, and making sure that you say your Please and Thankyou, shaking their hand when you leave the interview, and thanking them for their time will leave more of an impression of your personal branding than any fancy words on a resume. The best way to stand out is to do so for simple but kind gestures that mean nothing to you, but the world to someone else.

As Charlene always says, "Manners are free. Use them!"

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