Inspired Skillsets

Inspiring people: The Go-Getter

By Donnay Torr

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Named as one of the 30 under 30 to watch multiple years in a row Kimberly Drew ran the social media account for the famous New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (known as the Met) as well as running multiple of her own blogs. She started out on Tumblr and worked tirelessly to get her name and the name of the artists she was representing out there. Out of that she's built herself a fashion modelling art curating and blogging empire. She's published a book called This Is What I Know About Art and was the co-author of an anthology called Black Futures


“Just stop worrying about your things for a minute and worry about where you can go what you can do to make space for someone else for a minute if you could.”

- Kimberly Drew


There's a lot to be said for the #Girlboss movement. Getting out there and being the Go-Getter is a pretty remarkable feat and to do it when there's a lot of external pressure and outside influences trying to stop you or hold you back is even better. But the best part about being the Go-Getter is that you don't step on other people to get to where you want to be - you hold out your hand and help others up with you. Like that person who pushes their way through the crowd so their friends can follow the Go-Getter is a trendsetter and they bear the brunt of the negativity so that the world can become a better kinder place in the future.

Kimberly's work has been absolutely pivotal in recording the previously undigitised history of Black artists in high art museums and physical private collections. However she's also leveraged her connections and her brilliant social media presence to continue on her own legacy even after leaving her work with the Met. The Go-Getter doesn't stop when they've been told to stop and doesn't rest on their laurels: they're constantly working hustling driving and planning to ensure that each day is better than the last.

Get inspired by Kimberly's move from a poor college student relying on study stipends to survive to becoming one of the most sought-after models and art history gurus of the 2020s! If she can do it you can too.

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