Inspired Skillsets

Inspiring people: The Carer

By Donnay Torr

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In 1968 after seeing two senior Aboriginal men from Wattie Creek as patients in his eye clinic Fred was invited to fly up to their camp in the Northern Territory. The poor standard of health in the camp particularly in eye health was a shock. He couldn’t believe that people lived in these conditions in a country like Australia. Fred was especially disturbed by the huge number of children and adults suffering from blinding trachoma – a disease rarely found in the rest of Australia. He was later asked to go to Bourke 800km from Sydney where he found the same shocking conditions. These moments sparked Fred’s indignation and drove his desire to fight for better access to eye health and living conditions for Indigenous Australians.

Go here to read more about Fred's inspiring story!

“I believe the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other; and that's what makes humans look after other humans when they're in need.”

- Dr. Fred Hollows

Dr. Fred Hollows is a great example of being The Carer because it's all about ensuring that everyone is looked after and that nobody is left behind. They don't care if you're rich or poor whether you're their friend or their worst enemy: they can't stand to see suffering or pain anywhere and they'll do everything in their power to stop it.

Fred always got things done and pushed for change even when it bothered the higher-ups. Being The Carer doesn't mean being a pushover or rolling over whenever things get tough. Carers can be some of the toughest people around because they've got to be strong for others and protect them from the things that are causing them strife. They're the mother hens of the world and there'd be a lot more pain and sickness in the world if it weren't for them!

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