A Day in the Life Of...

A Day in a Life of a Fashion Innovation Design Assistant

By Tammy Sofranic

mdi-clock-outline 5 min

If you're here, you may have a career in fashion in mind. Well, you're in the right place! 

Georgia Robinson works as a Fashion Innovation Design Assistant at Bonds and was keen to share with Skillsroad what her day-to-day job is really like. Keep reading to find out all about a day in her life. 

Can you shortly describe a typical day on the job?

The design assistant role on the innovation team constantly changes based on the project the team is working on. Often the team works on projects like an apparel collection launch. The design assistant role is to support the designer in sketching new styles digitally, communicating information to the suppliers, attending fittings and taking notes. On top of the workload for up-and-coming projects, there are often meetings daily, checking in with the broader branding teams etc, for other projects.

Why did you choose Innovation Design Assistant as your profession? What or who inspired you to do so?

As a student in years 9 and 10 at school, I loved textiles and knew I wanted to be involved in the fashion industry in any way I could. After school, I studied for a degree in Fashion Design at FDS at Tafe. I love being creative and was selected for a job at a great Australian Company where I have already learnt so much and can endeavour to be creative.

What three key personality aspects or skills make for an Innovation Design Assistant?

  • Illustration skills
  • Organisation skills
  • Patternmaking/sewing skills

What have you learned about yourself through your work?

Bonds focus on digital design and development, and I've been able to develop my skills in technology, such as Illustrator and Photoshop, which was not my strongest skill before the role. I've learnt that I can pick up skills quickly with assistance and persistence.

What's been your best moment while doing your work?

I can't name one in particular, but trying and testing new products is always fun; working with lovely people on my team is also great. Learning from others in the role or just about the company is ultimately the most rewarding.

And a difficult moment?

Learning many online systems for communicating information to the suppliers was difficult, but with persistence and guidance from my manager, I am much more confident.

How do you keep going when things get challenging?

I keep the team's common goal in mind and do what I can, completing each task one at a time.

Are there any surprising or odd things people wouldn't expect if they picked this career?

For example, most of our work is focused online rather than hand drawing or sketching.

Can you share a funny or weird story about something you experienced in your role?

Working for an underwear company can always have its funny and weird moments. Often we are encouraged if we are comfortable to fit products which can be funny, but it means we get to try out and test the product by giving feedback to the team, which is great!

What advice would you give young people considering pursuing a career in this industry?

To learn as much as possible while studying and interning in sewing, patternmaking, illustration and digital skills. Working in retail is another place to experience another side of the fashion industry. Every career and exposure to the industry is hugely helpful in learning how a business operates and different design styles.

Are you considering a career in the fashion industry? 

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Are you considering a career in the fashion industry?

Start by discovering your natural skill set with our free Career Quiz!

This short quiz will supply you with a customised report that includes your strongest skill sets and match it to careers and industries that may suit you. 

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